Samstag, 17. Mai 2014

Give Highschool Katalog

Der Katalog ist da *o*
Give ist zuständig für meinen Wahlkreis (22) für das PPP Stitendium :)
Webside: www.give-highschool-de

Ich und der Katalog :D

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

USA Bank :D

Habe ich heute auf dem Blog einer ehmaligen USA Austauschschülerin gefunden :)

USA Bank :P

Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

Austauschjahr / High School year *0*


Since the 5th May you can apply for the PPP solarship  from the German parliament..

i really want to get this solarship because a school exchange is quite expensive and it is my biggest dream to go for about one year to the USA or Australia.. ;)

The PPP is given to students between 15-17 years and you need to have a good knowledge about politics and stuff but you can learn that :D

This grant is sponsored by the Bundestag and every electoral district gets one <3

See u later guys ;)

Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

Crazy me :P

                                               So just like you can see...thats ME :D
     The pic is about two weeks old and was made by my really good friend Marieke <3
                           We made the photo at the pond near my house in Hambur City *.*
    Actually i forgot to tell you that i really looooooove to take photos of everything :D